Today is baby M's14 month birthday. While this isn't a HUGE milestone, she's been feeling like crap for three days so I thought I'd wax sentimental on some of the things that make her special. Her baby calendar had a category of "what makes you special". So here you go, one for each month.
1. You have always had crazy hair, from your current, shaggy do with half curly hair all the way back to the original hair that just wouldn't lay down no matter how hard I tried. You had the mohawk down to a science!
2. tantrums: yes, they're already here. When she's not getting her way or our attention, my baby growls, yes growls!!! We've discovered that she comes by it honestly and we are a family of frustrated growlers and so we're promoting "talking nice".
3. Her current favorite game: "see food". She likes to stick her tongue out and compare tongues mid bite. I know I so should NOT be encouraging this but it's so cute!
4. You let us know what you need with your signs. Today when I was ignoring her sign for "please", she reached out and started signing "please" on my chest to get my attention. We were signing for reese's pieces so needless to say, she got one. :)
5. My baby loves amoxicillin. She screams over tylenol but sucks up the orange cream amoxicillin like it's candy. It makes ear infections much more pleasant!
6. Dah! Everything that has four legs or is animate is a dog in her world-people, babies, bugs, horses, cows, you name it. She's just much more excited to label it when it's a REAL dog!
7. She loves music. I know that's not uncommon, but she gets the rare opportunity of attending primary and nursery early while I do music time. A few weeks ago, we were singing "hello, hello" to the visitors and she stuck her hand out and directed, correctly right along with me!
8. She's a good traveler. She was content driving all over northern Utah last week just sitting in her carseat with her toys, singing to herself. And she still slept through the night!!!
9. She's my good sleeper. When we got home from our trip, she sighed with relief when I put her in HER bed with HER blanket. It was like she was saying, thank you for bringing me home! (Yes, I know I'm doomed with my next children!)
10. She's a watcher. She doesn't walk, yet. She studied and watched crawling and then one night did it with no false starts. She's figuring out walking, and when she's ready, she'll do it. It's how she learns.
11. She has a victory dance! When she's hungry and gets food, she shimmies!!!! It's the cutest ever! She will now "dance" on cue and when she hears music. We'll be in a store and I'll have tuned out hte music but she'll all of a sudden start dancing if it's a familiar tune or soemthing she likes.
12. She cocks her eyebrows like her mommy. nuff said!
13. She puckers up! She went through the open mouth kiss phase and we loved it but now she's perfected the art of puckering her lips and it's even cuter!
14. She's my biggest fan. When she's sick, it can get old, but let's face it, I love that she wants to cuddle with me when she's tired or sick and that she lights up when I enter the room.
Now, since you read all that, you'll be rewarded with pictures of my sweet little one! Happy Birthday!
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