Sunday, October 28, 2007


I'm feeling so relieved! The Primary program is over (for 12 months anyway)! And it went fabulously! All of the moving parts went well and everyone pretty well knew what they were supposed to do. The first song had a flute solo and she seemed nervous but did very well. We had some solos and groups that were great. So many kids had their parts memorized and one of our Valiant 11 boys had memorized Doctrine & Covenants section 4 for his part. It was awesome! I was so impressed with these kids.

A year ago, I really was feeling the need to get back into singing. I really wanted to take voice lessons but we really didn't have the extra money to spend on a "hobby". A month later, I got this calling to work with the kids in music. I was so nervous. I had never done anything like this before. However, I have discovered this was an absolute answer to prayers! I have been able to learn new songs, practice singing for hours every week, learn more patience with kids, and gain a bigger testimony of the music of this gospel. I'm so grateful I've had this opportunity!

It's nice for it to be over, but I'm so glad it went so well. During the song, "Listen, Listen", we had a boy play it on the piano and we sang it a cappella and then in a round. Our president heard the family behind her say, "whoa! that was awesome" when we were done! Yay Primary!

1 comment:

Linz said...

Congratulations! It sounds like a great success. I think those extra things like instruments, duets, etc. make it even more special and memorable.