Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I was released from my primary calling on Sunday. I'm still weepy about it. I'm so sad to be done. I begged them to keep me until I move, but it was not to be. It's amazing to me how intimidated and scared I was of this calling and now I am so so sad to leave it. I have grown to the love the children in my ward so much.

This calling was very much an answer to my prayers. I was really having trouble with my voice and wishing I could take voice lessons but knowing we couldn't really afford it. Then I was called to be the primary chorister. I lost my voice from pushing it so hard for the first three weeks and then realized that i needed to be singing all week long to make it strong enough to sing loud for the kids every week. It made my voice stronger, it helped me keep my range and I learned some wonderful new songs this year. There is nothing cooler than a group of kids 3-12 singing a cappella "Listen, Listen" with quiet voices. I love it! And I will truly miss these kids.


Alisha Harris said...
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Liz said...
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