I was induced on Friday morning as planned! Things went so smoothly! We didn't get started as soon as we got there because this little girl was crooked in my uterus! Her head was off to the side and they wanted her fully head down. So they did a mini version and started the Pitocin to start more contractions. Things went slowly but smoothly all morning and early afternoon. By then, I was dilated to a 4 and they gave me my epidural right before they broke my water. My epidural was great! I had the pump kind where I could control how much extra I needed so I could move my legs and adjust in the bed and not feel completely dead but didn't have pain! Perfect! So I rested off and on all afternoon and evening until I very quickly went from a 6 to being ready to push! They called in my doctor, she said to push and she came with three pushes! Yes, three! Yes, all 9 lb. 4 oz. of her in 3 pushes! My mom says I have the pelvis of champions. :) They put her directly on my chest which they didn't do with M, and I loved it. I saw her right away and got to hold her for a while until they took her to weigh and clean her. She's healthy, beautiful, and sweet!
Ready to go home!
awww she looks so cute in her little cherry outfit! We are so glad that we got to see Lucy on Saturday and play with Megan for a little. Hope she keeps letting you sleep :o)
I'm so glad everything went well! Congrats!
Congrats congrats!!! She is still beautiful! :)
i'm soooo excited! only a couple hours! my plane just got here! :)love you, so excited!!
oh gosh. i love her headband. it's almost bigger than her. congrats!!
Congrats!!! I am so glad that everything went well!!!! You are a trooper--Kaelyn was 7# 7oz and I had a c-section. I am amazed by my friends who push out nine pound babies!!!!! She is beautiful!!!
I love more photos. Now that Grace is there I expect even more photos of the girls.
And what a good baby - four hours of sleep the first night home. Lucky you.
What's the 'cute' band on her leg?
Your girls are adorable. I'm going to have to figure out a way to get out there to see everyone.
Love, G Jan
I've been out of town, so I'm only just seeing your updates! Congratulations!! She is beautiful!!
Congrats! I'm so glad it went smoothly for you. She is a beautiful little baby!
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