Monday, September 1, 2008


It's amazing how great $3.83/gallon sounds after weeks and weeks of $4.20/gallon!


Lindsay said...

We just paid $3.48 at Costco today and I was pretty stoked about that!

Tati said...

OK, I read your post after coming back from the grocery store and I thought you were talking about milk! It seems like everything is going up! But it is crazy, we are trying to not use as much gas.

Marci said...

I was just thinking about that recently. It's crazy huh. I usually end up buying my gas and milk at Costco or Sam's because every savings counts.

Admiral Joe said...

seriously, does gas cost more anywhere in the continental US than Utah? I doubt it. $3.53 yesterday. And that's 87 octane as compared to Utah's regular which is 85.

Liz said...

sad but true! It is down to 3.73 in some places and that seems so great but it's for the crappy 85 octane!

Liz said...

sad but true! It is down to 3.73 in some places and that seems so great but it's for the crappy 85 octane!