Friday, December 12, 2008

Yes, hopefully Etsy IS in my future

I have an etsy store.  It's not open yet.  Christmas has to come first. Then I will post things. That's backward, I know. I should have it open now for giving presents. Oh well.  Things have to calm down first so I can spend the time to make it cute!  

In the meantime, here's my shameless plug.
My sister in law has an etsy store! It's open and ready to sell and carries my favorite earrings! If you've seen me in the last year, I've probably been wearing her earrings! They're always beautiful and several of my other favorite people are getting them for presents this year!!


Halley said...

FINALLY girl! You're too talented to not reap the benefits!!! :)

Alisha Harris said...

Oh Liz I am soooo sorry you have to ContEd during December. Good Luck with that. I Love, love, love your bags. Good luck with selling them.

Teriney said...

Thanks Liz! Your too kind!