Monday, March 10, 2008

a little solace

I have been really struggling this weekend with so much going on.  Our realtor quit the day before we were going to fire him, M and I have had horrible colds, there's a lot of stress at work right now, the house won't sell, it's STILL cold outside, packing, organizing and cleaning and doing all of it alone, and heaven forbid I have an uneventful and uncomplicated pregnancy!

I opened my scriptures tonight and was blessed with a little reminder.
"Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days." -Doctrine and Covenants 24:8

I was humbled with the reminder that the Lord was comforting Joseph Smith, whose trials were surely greater than mine, but that my prayers for a little peace and reassurance that we'll be taken care of will still be answered.


Grandma Jan said...

Hope you can find a realtor that will work with you now. Your wonderful efforts of uncluttering, painting, updating and staging will all be worth your hard work. Things will work out. Relax and start counting the days until you and hubby are back together and living in the same city. Hope that comes out right. You know I only pray for the best for your family always.
G Jan

Grace said...

I love you! I'm excited to have you so close to me! You can do it! All you have to do is: go THAT way really fast.... if something gets in your way.....TURN! :)
I love you so much!

Claudia said...

I'm sorry things aren't working out as well as hoped for. I totally understand how frustrating that can be. We are praying for you all and know that things will work out. Thanks for your example of faith :o)
btw, love your new layout!

Alis said...

What a great scripture, we all need a reminder of that every now and then!

Cute layout:)