Sunday, January 29, 2012

the pink cookie

Kroger made my day yesterday.
Miss M and I were out on a mommy date. 
She got five greens at school this week! That means she gets a date with me or her Dad. It was my turn!

I found the most delightful soft cookies ever!

Not These!
 Lofthouse PALES in comparison to good ole Granny B's!!!
These are the ones!
I have missed these cookies since I left Utah. They are so wonderful. 
Like I have to track down a few and bring home a few when I visit Utah. 
And I found a whole kit of them at Kroger.... and I may go back for more!
The cookie made my day!


Emily Larkin said...

Granny B lives in Jeff's home ward and was his primary teacher as a kid. He shares the love of those cookies with you.

Amy said...

A favorite of mine as well. I remember buying them in college and my room mate ruined my joy by having me look at the calories and serving size. Don't do that! just ENJOY!

Heather said...

Ah, yes, the gas station Granny B's. I haven't seen one of those in YEARS! I'd be afraid to read the packaging though, yikes! What's the serving size and calorie count on one of those bad boys?

Musings from Minnesota said...

Congrats to Megan and all her green stars.