Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Thoughts

I'm trying to have happy thoughts today.  I told my Grandma the other day that I'm worried about just about everyone close to me right now.  It's just not one of those easy times.  I have family members or friends looking for jobs, moving, having babies, having health crises, taking big life-altering tests, and that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Today my father in law is having surgery.  It's going to be a very long month for my husband's parents and I hope that everything goes as planned. 

Today my brother starts his bar exam.  He's pretty much one of the most brilliant people I know, so I don't have any doubts that he won't pass but this is the culmination of three years of hard work for him.  

So, if you have extra happy thoughts and prayers, send them their way today for me!  


Grandma Jan said...

Thank you for your prayers. Bill is doing great and should be home today or tomorrow.
You take good care of M and that new baby coming soon. I want lots of photos to share with friends. So find someone who likes to take pictures as much as I do and give them a fun task - taking photos of the 'growing' Holman family.
G Jan

Halley said...

I hope everything works out for your family. With all that going on it is impossible not to feel the stress. I will be thinking of you. Can't wait to see you for lunch today! :)

Admiral Joe said...

thanks liz