Monday, December 15, 2008

Tree Trimming 101 with M

1. Tinker Bell goes with the snowmen...obviously.
2. It's okay to crowd ornaments on one branch, say one or two max...or six.
3.  Every ornament MUST be touched, despite how many times Mom says to not touch the ornaments.
4. You can never have too many lights on the tree.  Colored lights! Sit back and relax because the other lights are more work!!

5. You have to weed all the dead from the front yard before you can string lights on the remaining bushes! :) ...or we'll start getting nasty letters from the POA about our "secret garden".

case in point. The big scary bush in front on the left? not a bush, it's my pile of trimmed bushes and weeds for the trash!

1 comment:

Grandma Jan said...

What, no snow? That wouldn't happen in Minnesota! However I could do without the - 12 degrees we had today. Frigid temps just in time for Sarah's visit. Now I know she will be going back to California.