Monday, November 3, 2008

mommy guilt

Two year olds are hard!  
I love watching my girls grow up. LG is starting to coo and talk and smiling all the time, but I think I'm going to drown in whining any moment now! I used to not understand when moms would comment that they didn't particularly enjoy a certain stage, but now I do!  I'm not good at this age!  
I've been sick or M has been sick for the past three weeks and I'm tired. I'm sure that's not helping. I have one daughter who sleeps a lot, loves to nurse, and otherwise coos and smiles.  My other daughter is clingy and whiney and I'm tired.  
And thus I feel guilt.


Grandma Jan said...

Don't feel guilty. It's not fun being sick and Mommy's don't get days off. But it's not the twos that are terrible; it's the threes - they know how to get what they want and have a mind of their own. W was wonderful at two and a handful at three. Knowing M, take some time to dance or remind her when she and Grandma used to dance (and will again soon) and that will get her to laugh. I know it's makes me smile. Hang in there - you have adorable baby girls - both of them!
Love, Grandma Jan

Marci said...

I totally agree. The threes are MUCH worse. They become really cheeky then.

I've read plenty of columns on what to do for your kids when they're sick, but I have yet to read anything helpful for what to do when you're sick. It's even worse when they're over it and you feel like death warmed over.

HUGS to you! M will still give you plenty of reasons to let her make it to her 3rd and 4th birthdays. LOL!