Friday, July 10, 2009


I am struggling as the parent of a toddler.
She is sassy.
She is whiny.
She is fussy.
She deliberately acts up when I try to set limits.
She thinks she doesn't need naps, but anyone who's seen her banshee-like attitude at 5pm after no nap knows otherwise!
She breaks her toys and then acts as if she couldn't care less when I try to give her consequences.

That's the part that is making me crazy.
I'm trying so hard to be consistent and patient but when I do, it's like it backfires!
She is pushing every button I have and many more that I didn't even know existed.
It makes me angry, mean and I worry all the time right now that she's only going to remember me as a mean mommy.

I usually AM crying or am READY to cry as soon as W walks in the door.

I pray every day that I will have patience and know how to raise her so that she won't be a snotty brat but the sweet girl that she used to be. I keep trying to remind myself that this is a phase, but ten month phases are really really rough on the soul!


Heather said...

Sweetie, she's 3, she's technically a pre-schooler now and pre-schoolers LOVE their independance but just don't know what to do with it quite yet. Her and Rachel would either get along REALLY well or hate each others guts because your post sounds all too familiar with what my house is going through. Hang in there, you aren't alone!

Jen said...

Hang in there! Caleb has gotten SO MUCH better now that he's older. The 2's and 3's were pretty tough, but 4 has been great. Caleb is such a good helper and he actually tries hard to be good. Austin, on the other hand is going to do me in. I hope that he settles down before baby boy #3 arrives or I'm not going to make it! Good luck and remember you are not alone in your struggles.

Halley said...

This DOES NOT sound fun Liz!! Are you telling me this is going to happen to me also??? YIPES!!! I know that when I'm stressed ice cream ALWAYS helps. :)

Grandma Jan said...

She is three. I love your friend's comments. Relax, emphasize the good things she does. They grow up so fast and before you know it she will be a teenager with hormones 24/7. You can always send her to see G Jan. We'd love it.
As for the nap, try getting her to rest with a book for an hour. It should be in the genes - W took a nap every afternoon until he went to Kindergarten and then he was in a morning and afternoon class with two different teachers. Ask if he remembers Mrs. Nelson.
G Jan

Barb said...

Get the Love and Logic books! Find a class somewhere, it will teach you a new language to set consequences! Here is a tip: kids use you like a slot machine, they pull the lever, get nothing, get nothing, get nothing, and then.. you give in and they hit gold. So they know that if they keep pulling your lever they will eventually get a payoff. Be strong!

Marci said...

Threes are the worst. Is there a 3 year old preschool around you that she could go to in the fall? That is was saved my sanity w/ Kayley. She loved school. I loved having her at school for a few hours. We loved each other much more when we got back together.

Liz said...

thanks everyone! good ideas!
I have thought about preschool but they cost so much! I am hoping to find something because that has been one of my ideas, that she is just bored. So we'll keep plugging away and hopefully find something to help!