Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How do YOU Harry Potter?!?!?!?

It's here! It's tonight! But I have to work tomorrow so I will not be joining the midnight masses this time! But it's here! I'm so excited!

IN 2007, we were crazy nuts and went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter 5: The Order of the Phoenix! I was having surgery the next day so I knew I wouldn't be working or need to be alert, and it was a fun hurrah before feeling like crap for a few weeks. W and I felt like chaperones, we were the only adults there except for other parents who were there with their teenagers. We did not dress up. But we know people who did! ;)

This year, we're going to try and make it before Friday. :) We'll see how well we do with that!


Emily said...

Fun! Bummer you can't go this year, but you'll catch it. I have yet to read a HP book or see one of the movies...I'm behind the times.

Liz said...

oh Em, that just makes me sad! you gave in to Twilight! why not Potter???