Friday, July 17, 2009


I am so thankful for the moments that remind me what the point is.

Sunday morning, we ended up with extra time before church. (I'm kind of neurotic about being on time, so we sometimes get up tooo early!) W took M out on the back deck and they just sat in the camp chairs looking at the sky before it got blazingly hot. I went back to look and M was just chatting away to her Daddy. I love it.

Monday night, we managed to have a family home evening moment! The first one in ages since we moved! W was sharing a story and M was just staring at him like it was the most fascinating thing ever!

I am so thankful that between peeing on the floor, coloring on my sheets, throwing tantrums, ignoring me completely, and hitting her sister, that she often comes and snuggles with me in the morning in bed, strokes my cheek and says "I just love you".

It just makes it all worth it.


Grandma Jan said...

Precious, precious moments. Thanks so much for sharing.
Grandma Jan

Tati said...

I'm thankful for moments that make it all worth it just like you said! It great to hear your thoughts, I mean read them :)