Monday, October 19, 2009


the TV is not on
the music is not on
we're not running the washer, dryer, dishwasher or disposal

it is 6 in the evening, not 3am, not 6am, not midnight

the neighbors have just angrily banged on their ceiling for us to shut up
why, you ask?

because my happy light hearted three year old skipped from the kitchen to the living room


last week, they actually complained to management when my daughter had a tantrum
what am i supposed to do???????
do we complain when they play loud, booming rap music on Sunday mornings?
or at ten at night when my babies are sleeping?
no! precisely for the reason that I know i would be a hypocrite because my children are not always quiet but THEY ARE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!


Erin said...

UGH! I hear you. I can't stand it when people complain about kids being loud, especially when it isn't an unreasonable noise level for a kid. What are you supposed to do? Duct tape them to a chair so they won't be a kid and then get in trouble for that? Sheesh. I'm on your side.

Emily said...

I would just start playing loud music (directed at the floor) at all hours of the day so that M's skipping is the least of their worries. So sorry you have spicy neighbors - would going down and talking to them make any difference, do you think? Sounds like they might not care.

Linz said...


Tati said...

So sorry! This is the worst! Luckily, we have had pretty good neighbors in apartments. One time we did have problmes with neighbors and we took them cookies. It seemed to soften them up? We never had any more complaints :)

Good luck! That is such a bad feeling when you can't do anything and you have to let your kids live!!

Admiral Joe said...

I may have said this before: complain about everything you can that they do. Seriously, if I were a lawyer, I'd recommend this course of action.

Grandma Jan said...

I am so sorry. Crabby neighbors are the worst. I would be furious too. Good luck with that one.