Sunday, June 3, 2007

Weekend Worries

Why do kids get sick on the weekend? Then you have to spend the weekend in an inner debate. Do you go to urgent care for them to just say that it's a virus (which you knew deep down) and you have to wait it out, drink fluids, use tylenol and rest? or Do you wait it out to call the doctor on Monday to only find out that it was an ear infection and if you HAD gone to urgent care, you would be two days ahead on getting rid of it? This is usually complicated by being right before or after vacation times (at least with us) so the worry is compounded by missing extra work, contaminating family members, and not being able to travel possibly. At least for us...

M got a cold on vacation and has been sick all week. She has seemed pretty okay except for the runny nose and cough but has been warm off and on as well. This weekend, though, she is hot! We've been fighting to keep her fever down and worrying that it's a cold turned ear infection or that she has had the fever all week and we've been masking it with her cold medicine that has tylenol built in.

This is the part of parenting that stresses me most. Worrying that I'm making things worse or not doing enough. W stayed home with her during church and I was just heartsick sitting alone at church-lonely and worried for my little one. I cried the whole way through fast & testimony meeting only to call home before primary and find out that she wasn't any better. She even watched a whole movie with Dad...that's a bad sign!

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