I was tagged a long time ago. I forget about them. So here goes.

2. I was president of the Asian American Student Council at USU my junior year of college. The things you do for free tuition! No, I'm not Asian. My first room mate was and when she was president, I was her secretary. I met some awesome people that way. She had to leave during the first semester and somehow I ended up president.
3. I have Adult-onset Still's Disease. No one knows what it is. It has been in remission for ten years. It wreaks havoc on one's medical history though and so I get all sorts of special care when I have babies and no one will let me donate blood.
4. I have lived in Minnesota, Utah, and Arkansas twice. The hubby and I need to live in California once to complete the cycle. We've had a baby in Minnesota and Utah, so if we stay here long enough, we'll have a baby in each of those states as well, I predict.
5. I crawled on my head. I can work on getting some 8x10 color glossies if you don't believe me.
6. I have to be early to certain things. I would rather sit in an airport terminal than stress about being stuck in security. I have to be ridiculously early to movies so I can sit in my favorite spot and prop my feet up on the railing in the front row. It stresses me out that my sweet husband and girls make me late. Sunday mornings are not pretty as we try to get out the door to church.
7. I bite my nails when I'm stressed out or nervous. And it's killing me that I'm already seeing the habit in my two year old.
We have church a 9AM. I'm so excited for next year when we get to go at 11AM.
I really shouldn't complain though because it only takes us five minutes to get there.
well, we're the only ward in the building so we start at 10 but still it's hard!!
I am so beyond jealous. We have four wards crammed into our new building (less then 2 years old)and at any time you can find atleast 8 women crammed into the mother's lounge. (only two chairs) There is only one gospel doctrine class, (no space for more) so if you are late, you miss out. I am just glad Max is in nursey now, he would get stepped on in the foyer before. Is it wrong to want less members? Maybe I'll just not share the gospel with pregnant women.
I'm stressed to be late to anything, if I'm on at least 5 minutes early, I panic and get cranky.
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