Thursday, October 11, 2007

Really good language skills...really bad sign...

So should I be proud if I drive by Taco Bell and the little one in the backseat starts crowing, "burger, burger!" ???? I'm more worried! There was no good smelling food in the car, we hardly ever go to Taco Bell, she just knows that a drive thru means food and usually burgers. So she's smart but I'm a bad mommy!!!


{irene} said...

Hi girl!!.Thanks for leaving a comment in my blog!..I didn't know you had one!!!...and let me tell you how lucky Mike and I are to have your family so close!..They are the greatest thing ever!..
Well girl, let's keep in touch~...and maybe we'll see you in christmas!

Sumpygump said...

I know exactly what you mean. One several occasions we would drive past a fast food restaurant and Eva would start spouting off ... "I a like a chicken and fries and a drink..., okay, thank you, bye!"

My wife and I would look at each other and think, "Oh boy, that can't be a good sign, that she knows exactly what to say!"