Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Why Mom, why???

So, I'm proud of her and think she's brilliant.  We all know that.  And, of course, she is! :)

M has learned the question, "why?" and while it's very cute and precocious, it's also quite exasperating!!! 

For example:
I'm eating and M comes up and asks, "why eating, Mom?"
Me: Because I'm hungry.
M: why?
Me: Because it's time to eat.
M: why? 
Me: Because our bodies need food to stay healthy.
M: why?
Me: Because if we don't eat, we get sick.
M: why?
Me: (pausing to think and not get frustrated!)
M: why Mom, why?????
Me: Because food is yummy.
M: okay. food yummy.

AUGH!!!!!!! I love her dearly but I teach kids why questions in therapy way later than 28 months so I'm worried this might be a LONG phase! :)

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