Someone fed my older daughter sugar last night. Or caffeine.
Or it could just be that her Daddy is coming home tonight!!!!!
She was bouncing off the walls.
She has a crazed look in her eye.
ps-someone fed my younger one sugar for breakfast! she's running around the house saying "hi daddy! hi daddy! hi daddy! hi daddy!"
then she'll come up to me, grin, and say, "bye, see ya, love you" with all the appropriate hand gestures and run off to play more!
love these girls!
So cute that they're excited for W to come home! Hope you guys have a fun weekend, we'll be thinking about you!
Too cute indeed!
I know they are excited to see Daddy. Have a fun weekend.
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh! I gave her that shirt! yay!!! :) I like that she's so excited to see her daddy!
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