Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Rare Privilege

LG missed her "before church nap" today. Usually she's up so early that she can eat, bathe and go back down for a quick nap to be a happy girl at church! But lately she's been sleeping in more. I'm not complaining but halfway through sacrament meeting, I was ready to complain! She was sooooooo tired! She squirmed and fussed and was only happy sitting in the hall watching other kids play. But I didn't want to sit in the hall for three hours!

During the second hour, I took her in the mother's nursing room and wrestled her for ten minutes until she grabbed onto her ear, started humming to herself, and FINALLY closed her eyes and stopped kicking! She slept for a blissful 45 minutes. I sat back and rocked and enjoyed my solitude.

She's in that busy, I-want-to-see-everything phase where she doesn't want to snuggle, so I loved holding her and watching her rest. Holding onto her security blanket, her ear, her face was all squished up against my arm and oh-so-cute! Her hair curls in the humidity and I just enjoyed looking at the sweet miracle that I created. I'm still just tickled that she has blue eyes and light hair! I love when my babies are babies and I'm wishing she could stay that way for a bit longer!!

1 comment:

Grandma Jan said...

What a sweetie! Give her a hug for me.
Grandma Jan