It all started with a quiet evening looking at old pictures.
And giggling.
My family is funny.
I may be killed for this. meat.

Most Prolific. Apparently making strange faces for cameras is a high school past time.

Best use of props.

I take it back. This one gets best use of props. Anesthetic!!!!

I think she was trying to look like my little brother.

who could go for some flapjacks right about now?

They come by it honestly. Seriously, my great grandfather ALWAYS looked like this in photos.


see? Most prolific.

mom was once a castle guard, until an unfortunate incident with a spear and a flying monkey

-"Nobody knows...the trouble I seen..."

Best use of snot.

Baby meat's dad.

And that is why we called him Hooch, or at least discussed it once.

the child of Frankenstein

Best Jane Austen impersonation.

I love them. And I hope to live past the weekend!
BAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! I would say you're in trouble for the pictures of me looking dumb, but I have worse on there.... :) and I think the one about mom being a guard and having an incident with flying monkeys is the best one. it takes the cake. then, Jonas comes in at a close second with the sad songs... I love it!! You should do more silly blogs like this!!! :)
love you, siz!
I think Teriney was trying to return to her roots.
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