Friday, September 14, 2007

My funny kiddos

My first ever client at the U of M had the best quotes ever. It's from him that I gleaned:
"Oh, I yuv my hay-uh, I just yuv it, I yuv it, i yuv it, i yuv it, i yuv my hay-o"

"dose are some spooty tatto-peeyos, spooty, spooty, spooty!"

and at Thanksgiving he was excited to make "turtey tooties!"

This boy was Hmong, and one session, he kept spouting off randomn gibberish at me, kind of angrily. I tried to ignore it and redirect it but wasn't sure what was up. At the end of the session, his Mom came running around from the observation room, yelling angrily at him. Apparently, he'd been telling me off and swearing at me the whole session, in Hmong. He was three!

A few others I've collected over my three years as a speech therapist:

"the tipsy tipsy spider went up the waterspout"

"you changed your clothes!" (with very exaggerated prosody from a kid that I'd seen week after week for months and was still amazed that every Friday I wore something different! :)

"what happen yo nose?" (this one requires an almost foreign accent on a blond kid with his head cocked to the side, looking at my colleague as she asked him to give her eye contact by pointing to her nose, to be funny)

I also get them in Primary: upon being asked, "what color are you thinking of?", a girl answers, "I'm getting grown up teeth!"

The closing prayer near Independence Day, "we're thankful for the fourth of July, and Halloween, and Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter!"

yesterday, my receptionist took it upon her to tell all my kids it was my birthday. so the newest is:

"it yours birsday!"

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