Monday, January 17, 2011

It's more than 111, I'll tell you that much!

I was determined to do this:
But I am a well trained pack rat married to a well trained pack rat, and so it was hard to get started at first.

First, I attacked the Christmas decorations. There were ornaments that haven't "made the tree" in over two years. So, they were the first to go!

Next, I tackled the girls' room. I haven't even started on their clothes, and I've lost track of counting after 111! So we're well beyond that by now! Good bye, broken barbies and fairies! Good bye, blocks that never get played with! Good bye, skanky hand-me-down nightgown that M loved but that always was a little too close to lingerie for my comfort! And yes, good bye, Tickle me Elmo! You cost a fortune and you scared the girls to death!!!

Next up, my room. Ugh. Wish me luck. This is why I left half of the month for it! I'm gonna need it!


Amy said...

Don't you feel so good?!

Katie said...

Good job! That is awesome and takes a lot of motivation. I need to do some de-junking myself!

Grandma Jan said...

You have been very busy. Good for you.